What Does “Going Solar” Mean?
In spite of many popular beliefs and rumors, “Going Solar” doesn’t mean going “off-grid.” While solar can provide a true off-grid solution, most solar systems are created to be used in harmony with your conventional electric service. If there’s not enough power being generated by your solar panels, your home can pull needed power from the grid in a way similar to what it does now.
The best part of this means that the opposite is also true. If you’re generating more power than you need, your home’s solar system will send power back to the electric grid. This “give and take” process (commonly known as “net metering”) allows your power bill to stay at or near zero.
How Does Solar Increase the Value of Your Home?
According to a recent document from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the value of your home can increase in value by $20 for every $1 reduction in annual energy bills. This means that a solar power system that saves you $200 per year can increase your home’s value by $4,000. Better yet, while solar systems can increase the value of your home, they will not increase your property tax valuation.
Is Solar Always a Good Financial Move?
The financial effectiveness of solar depends on many factors. Some of these are location, nearby trees, and the overall square footage of installable space.
While solar power is free once installed, homeowners should perform their own due diligence to ensure they’re getting the best deal and making the best decision for themselves. In an ideal situation, solar can provide all of the needed electricity for a home. But this isn’t possible for every home.
Our goal at Rector Solar is to provide a solar electric power solution…not just make a sale. If adding solar power to your home won’t be beneficial, we will be the first ones to tell you.
Does the Customer Need to Contact Their Current Energy Provider to Let Them Know They Are Installing Solar?
As your complete solar and roofing solution, Rector Solar will assist you with any permitting or installation issues. While we may need your input from time to time, our experienced staff will guide you along the way.
What Are the Environmental Benefits of Solar?
The positive impact that solar has on our environment is so great, it’s almost unmeasurable. Most importantly, solar is a renewable resource, and with the global push to lower carbon emissions and reduce climate change, this is a great way to personally offset your own energy consumption.
Using renewable resources also has a huge positive impact on wildlife. Many species are in decline over habitat loss, and the more we can maximize the potential on land that’s already developed, the more we can protect natural habitats for our wildlife.
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